Colossians 4:10-14 Friends For Now, Friends Forever, And Friends Again
/As the apostle Paul closes his letter, he mentions some friends he has made in Christ. Some of those friends will be true to the end, but others will not.
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As the apostle Paul closes his letter, he mentions some friends he has made in Christ. Some of those friends will be true to the end, but others will not.
Paul commended to the church some men he had sent. One with a very important mission and message, the other as a true brother for the church to take under their wing.
Peter reminds us of the “precious and magnificent” promises of God that can rightly guide us all through our lives.
Paul asked the brethren for prayers and reminded them of his and their responsibilities towards God and other people.
A Biblical look at the circumstances of life in which we find ourselves, and the how the grace and purposes of God work through them.
The apostle Peter spoke to Jews and Gentiles equally because they had the same faith in Christ.
In this study we consider what God has made for us and Hi marvelous provisions, culminating in the blessings found in Jesus.
In the last of his general instructions to the church, Paul asked the Colossians believers to pray for Him that he might be bold and effective in preaching the word of God.
Paul instructed masters and slaves in the way of Christ, reminding them both of their common, and impartial, master in heaven. The lessons taught here are probably most rightly applied by us today in the areas of employees and employers, and other situation where one person has a power advantage over another.
Paul taught the Colossians believers that their home live was to ordered in a way fitting and proper in the Lord. In this study, we examine what that looks like
Starting from the 1 chapter of John’s gospel, we examine Christ as the true light of this world. We are to be His light, truly showing it that light to a world that sorely needs it.
Paul taught the need to do all things in the name of Christ, particularly singing with a heart full of Christ’s word, and do it thankfully.
The apostle Paul is quite clear that all kinds of people can be renewed in Christ: any who have faith. There is also only one kind of person who will be renewed in Christ: the one who has faith.
A lesson taken from the idea in Mark 9:24, of asking for help to not do a thing we know we aren’t supposed to do, but find ourselves doing anyway. In these trying times, let us ask for confidence, since we often don't display it.
What can we glean from Peter closing words of his first epistle? A lot when they include such things as “the true grace of God,” those “chosen together with you” and greetings with a “holy kiss.”
Our study of the basics of theology continues. We examine “sanctification,” the holy life. We are called to it as part of our salvation in Christ. We find there is an immediate sanctification, a progressive sanctification, and an ultimate sanctification that we are all to partake in.
Since our hope in Christ, we are to set our minds on the things above, where He is.
A sermon by one of our members asking about things many of us would like to know more about and approaching the unknowable through a view of faith.
The apostles were given an order to stop preaching Jesus. We read that instead, “They Kept Right On.” In this lesson, we some other things that they persisted in doing that should be lessons and encouragements for us.
Website for the Mulvane Church of Christ, Mulvane, KS