A collection of articles, posts and thoughts from various places concerning worship in the time of disease.

Effective beginning May 4, 2020 Ad Astra Plan To Reopen Kansas

April 7, 2020 KS Executive Order 20-18 (Effective 4/7/20—5/3/20)
Page 2 (section 1) prohibits any gathering of more than 10 inisde or in a confined space, including religious services (and funerals). This supersedes the prior order that gave a broad religious exemption.

March 30, 2020 KS Executive Order 20-16 (Effective 3/30/20—4/19/20)
1.) “…All individuals in the state of Kansas are directed to stay in their home unless performing an essential activity…1b) Performing, or going to or from…an essential function identified in Kansas Essential Function Framework (KEFF)…KEFF 300 MANAGE…12.) Preserve Constitutional Or Legal Rights…b.) Perform or attend religious or faith-based services and activities.
This supersedes the Sedgwich and Sumner Co. stay at home orders given in prior weeks.


article from 1918 Bro. J.C. McQuiddy Gospel Advocate article on 1918 closing churches

Christian Chronicle article (3/17/20) How Churches of Christ responded when the 1918 ‘Spanish flu’ killed millions

article: What the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Meant for American Churches

(long) first sermon upon reopening following 1918 Closure of Presbytarian Church in Washington D.C.

Safe Practices

video from Truth Bookstore about sanitary communion

Article: Christianity Has Been Handling Epidemics for 2000 Years long article with practical advice at the end

same author: 20 page safe worship manual “Witness in the Plague“

Perspective On Worship

recent article: Christians Are Not Made for the Assembly; the Assembly Is Made for Christians

Doy Moyer, facebook article “A Present Distress”

Service In Times Of Disease

article: David Lipscomb on the Cholera Epidemic in Nashville (June 1873)

article on Cyprian Plague: Love in the Time of an Epidemic

(long) entire Martin Luther letter “Whether One Can Flee From The Plague” (11 pages)
