Even Samson Was Strongest When He Was Weak

Samson and the other servants of God mentioned in Hebrews 11, “gained approval through their faith” (vs. 39), but man, is he a complicated character. Most of us know him from childhood Bible stories. His superhero-like strength and outlandish exploits—breaking ropes, carrying off city gates and fighting bad guys—easily lend themselves to the youthful imaginations. 

But there’s a lot of darkness in his story—lust, gambling, murder, arson, lies, and fornication. Samson didn’t deliver Israel from their troubles, instead, he was Israel in all their troubles. He had a unique birth, a special mission, help and blessings from God and yet nothing seemed to improve much. Finally, worn down and in a relationship with a harlot, he lost his strength and was captured by the enemy. 

In his humiliation and weakness, he turned to God and was heard one more time, gaining a great final victory (Judg. 16:30). He learned the same lesson that the Lord taught the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Cor. 11:9) 

Let’s learn something from this man who had such a messy life, and depended too much for too long on physical strength. 

Let’s learn of God’s grace to those who seek Him, even in the midst of, or towards the end of, a messy life.