“In The Image Of God”

In beautifully concise, almost sparse, language Moses tells how God made the world and all things in it (Gen. 1). He slowed down when telling how humanity was specifically crafted in God’s image.

Sin corrupted us and still does, but God in Christ—who took on the fulness of man and possessed the fulness of God without compromising either—came to redeem us from our lawless deeds. In this great rescue, the dignity of everyone for whom He died is reaffirmed.

We must learn to view ourselves and others as image-bearers of God with a great purpose to fulfill—and in Christ, the way to fulfill it. We have not created ourselves, nor redeemed ourselves, nor do we successfully direct ourselves. Our creator always has better ideas for us than we have for ourselves. 

Being made thus by Him, we are not just what we have, buy, or even what we do. Nor are we the sum of our thoughts, desires, or struggles. There’s always more to us. We are always body, soul, and spirit as God gave.

Let us seek to fulfill the hope of the apostle Paul: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5:23).