The Greatest Story Ever Told

In the mid-1960s, Hollywood gave the gospel its full cinematic treatment complete with an all-star cast, thousands of extras, and stunning scenery shot in ultra-widescreen “Cinerama” on large format 70mm film complete with multi-track sound. Over 6 million feet of film were used to make a 4:20 film. Ultimately edited down to just 2:17, the movie “The Greatest Story Ever Told” was a massive commercial failure. But God’s word has never needed tinsel-town and the silver screen to tell its story. 

God’s story is always best told by those who believe it most. His inspiration gave us the message. And His providence and the faithfulness of His people have preserved it so that it’s the most readily available book in the most of the world—and the most suppressed in the rest. 

Today we are blessed (maybe cursed?) to live in the information age. We are awash in words, stories, pictures and sound. When every story is available, the effect is to diminish the value of them all. But we still have the most infinitely valuable one of all to tell. 

To those hungry and thirsty, let us tell of the bread and water of life. 

To those lost and struggling with sin, let us tell of the great redeemer.

To those disheartened and weary, let us tell of Him who gives us rest. 

To those lonely and discouraged, let us tell of Emmanuel, God with us. 

To those bereaved and grieving, let us tell of Him who lives again. 

Believers we ask, do we love to tell the story? Are you telling it to others regularly?