/We are Christians are called to be lights in a crooked and perverse world. In this sermon we examine the bright light of Christ that we are to shine forth and how we can keep it from being dimmed.
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We are Christians are called to be lights in a crooked and perverse world. In this sermon we examine the bright light of Christ that we are to shine forth and how we can keep it from being dimmed.
We serve a sympathetic and helpful Savior. In this lesson we look through the gospels to find some of the kind and complimentary things that our Savior said. We look at who He spoke kind words too and why.
A look at a most detailed and amazing prophecy of the crucifixion of Christ. This foretelling of what our Savior would undergo reads almost like a gospel record recorded after the fact because of its vivid portrayal of what would come. And to think, that Christ came to earth for us knowing that his would be the result of His work.
We know that the rock that that gave water to the children of Israel in the desert was Christ for Paul cleared stated it in 1 Corinthians 10: "...and the Rock was Christ." In this lesson we study how both were smitten for the people and gave the water that was necessary in great abundance.
A look at the similarities of life and position of the greatest leaders of God's people. Th greatest delivers, greatest mediators, greatest lawgivers and greatest miracle workers God sent His people: Moses and Christ.
God has continually loved His creation, and love for us guided everything in the life of Christ of Christ, so much so that loved us fully to the end. The love that was demonstrated to us is to be reciprocated as we are to be guided by love of God and love of others.
Website for the Mulvane Church of Christ, Mulvane, KS