Sheep, Flock, Shepherd
/A two-part study that examine how God's people have always been called His flock, and the things that He, as Shepherd, has always protected His sheep from, and how He does it.
Sermons are also distributed as via podcast.
Search for "Mulvane Church of Christ Sermons" in your pod-catching app.
A two-part study that examine how God's people have always been called His flock, and the things that He, as Shepherd, has always protected His sheep from, and how He does it.
The people of God have, since the beginning of the scriptures, been called His flock. In this study, we look at God our shepherd, the bad shepherds who afflicted and mistreated His flock, and the prophesies of a better shepherd to come. (A companion sermon to "Our Shepherd" which follows this one.)
The loving desire to help that Jesus had for the people is compared in scriptures to the care of a shepherd for his sheep. Without Jesus we were constantly straying. The spiritual shepherds of the Old Testament failed the people, but Jesus, the Great Guardian of Sheep and Good Shepherd gives us effective care.
Website for the Mulvane Church of Christ, Mulvane, KS