“To Those Who Reside As Aliens” 1 Pet. 1:1,2
/Peter address and implores Christians to "live as aliens." We look at how Abraham and the exiles in Babylon are examples to Christians today in living in, but apart from, a sinful world.
Sermons are also distributed as via podcast.
Search for "Mulvane Church of Christ Sermons" in your pod-catching app.
Peter address and implores Christians to "live as aliens." We look at how Abraham and the exiles in Babylon are examples to Christians today in living in, but apart from, a sinful world.
A study looking at the sinful culture, sinful people and sinful ruler of this world. And then seeing how we care Christians are called from the world, to be transformed by Christ away from it so that we can then seek to transform others for Christ.
Website for the Mulvane Church of Christ, Mulvane, KS