Jesus Claimed...
/In this lesson we look at some of the great things that Jesus claimed — Being a king, eternal, being equal with God, actually being God, and being the Messiah of God — and why it is that we should believe these incredible thing.
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In this lesson we look at some of the great things that Jesus claimed — Being a king, eternal, being equal with God, actually being God, and being the Messiah of God — and why it is that we should believe these incredible thing.
The scriptures say that God is love and that God is a consuming fire. In this study we examine some of the thing that the scriptures tell us that God is. He is Sovereign, Active, and Consistent. In these things He is not like us.
A study of how the promises of God are always sure. We look at the great promises God made to Abraham as an example of how all His promises come true. Then we examine how God has the power, the knowledge, the will and the time time make fulfill all that He has said.
In this study we consider what things about our Heavenly Father we can know and imitate. We find in the scriptures that we know and can follow His example of love, mercy and holiness and can find out even more about his through His son.
God has stated a number of things that are His will for us and His desire for mankind. Of those things, we know from experience and from other scriptures that they often do not occur. How does God respond when He doesn’t get what He wants? And what lessons can we take from this?
We we come together for worship obviously it is to honor God. This is right and good. We examine this aspect of worship as well as how we meet our obligations to others in worship and also derive many benefits for ourselves.
We belong to God who made us and put us on earth as He desired. We examine things that God has made, that we cannot change. We may not like some of these things, but by His direction and grace we can serve Him in them all.
We examine James 3:13 through 4:6 to see two different kinds of life laid out: the life we should have of wisdom, understanding and gentleness vs. the life we often have, full of selfishness, jealousy and disorder. The life of God given peace, mercy and good fruits and the life of the flesh are contrasted as we learn to yearn for the life guided by grace.
The worthy men that we read about in the Bible fully believed the promises of God. In order to live by faith, we need to have the same confidence. Here we will study the qualities of God that make all His promises sure and the final great promise from Him that remains.
An overview of the longest chapter in the Bible. (Actually, its a song.) We look at the key words in it and what they say about our heart -- our mind, our attitude -- toward the word of God.
In a study of these companion Psalms, we examine how God kept His promises over and over through Jewish history (Ps. 105) and how the people sinned, sinned and sinned again repeatedly going against God's instruction through their history.
God warned His priests, "I will be treated as holy" (Leviticus 10:3) after He rejected the strange fire of Nadab and Abihu. We examine how the the holiness of God was to be respected above all else in that setting, and what lessons were can learn and apply to today regarding the holiness of God.
Website for the Mulvane Church of Christ, Mulvane, KS