Sermons are also distributed as via podcast.        

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Four Views Of Jesus

We have four distinct views of Jesus presented in the four gospels. Matthew tells us of the Messiah the was prophesied; Mark tells of Jesus, the son of God; Luke tells us of the perfect man and John presents to us only a few stories selected from Jesus life, but tells them in intimate detail. What a blessing to us to have these four gospels of Jesus Christ!

Download the outline. 

Imputation / Reckoning - Counting Faith As Rigtheousness - Rom 4

We examine the Romans 4 in which the apostle Paul lays out the case for justification by faith. We examine how God does this by His loving and merciful nature, while maintaining His holiness and separation from sin. We see how that we, being forgiven in Christ, now have our faith counted as righteousness.  

Download the Outline.