What The Resurrection Brings Us
/In this study we look at some of the blessings and benefits that the resurrection of Jesus Christ brings to us, including salvation through a living Savior, a great sense of purpose and an everlasting hope.
Sermons are also distributed as via podcast.
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In this study we look at some of the blessings and benefits that the resurrection of Jesus Christ brings to us, including salvation through a living Savior, a great sense of purpose and an everlasting hope.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is presented to us in the gospel as a fact of first importance. In this study we examine the scriptures to see why we should believe this and what is means to us and the great hope that comes because "HE IS RISEN!"
In 1 Cor. 15, the resurrection chapter, the apostle Paul claimed that, “if we have hope in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most miserable.” In this study we examine how the apostles based their whole lives on the certainty of the resurrection, and what it would mean if it were in fact, a lie.
Acts 2 recorders the very first gospel sermon. The apostle Peter gives four arguments to prove Jesus is the Christ. His miracles, the Old Testament prophecies concerning Him, the fact of the resurrection and His exaltation by God. From these, “We know for certain that Jesus is the Christ!”
We examine the texts of the 4 gospel as they each describe the ends of that blessed morning and the first visits to the tomb by the faithful women and Jesus’ closest disciplines as confusions turns to realization that He really has risen.
Website for the Mulvane Church of Christ, Mulvane, KS