Sermons are also distributed as via podcast.        

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Our Spiritual Work And Worship

In this study we look that implications that our spiritual relationship with Christ and each other brings for the local church and the pattern that is set for it in the New Testament. We find we do God's will as we worship and work together in the spread of the gospel message and the care for each other as family members. 

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The Church In Prophecy

An overview of some of the most prominent prophecies about the Church. We begin with prophecies about the Messiah, the head of the church., prophecies of Him sitting on the throne of David and the new covenant that would be made with Israel.  Then we looks the the prophecies in the gospels and how the inspired apostles said that these prophecies were fulfilled in the church. 

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Sermon: Constrained By Revealed Truth

 As Christians strive to be disciples of Jesus, our Lord and Master, we don't walk in our own ways, but in the ways of God. We are limited to the path that He set for us. In this sermon, we consider the constrained placed upon us by the truth found in God's word.   

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