Grace And Truth
/Grace and truth are inseparable God has bound together. To leave one to leave the other, and to have one is to have the other.
Sermons are also distributed as via podcast.
Search for "Mulvane Church of Christ Sermons" in your pod-catching app.
Grace and truth are inseparable God has bound together. To leave one to leave the other, and to have one is to have the other.
We examine the ways that unbelievers use worldly wisdom to attach the trustworthiness of the scriptures. How they deny the supernatural of it and question the authorship of the it mostly because they don't like the moral restrictions found in it.
We examine the healing of Namaan the leper in 2 Kings 5 to find out how NOT to find truth in religion and HOW TO find it.
Website for the Mulvane Church of Christ, Mulvane, KS